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5 Ways to Think like a Startup – Even When You Aren’t One


1) Stay Curious

The best way to do things is typically not the way that your organization is currently following. Sure, your current processes may be a suitable fit for accomplishing tasks; however, there’s always a superior option out there to adopt. Don’t just go with the flow – be skeptical and ask questions like “why?” or “what if?” Curiosity is only going to drive your organization to gain new and more useful insights.

 2) Hire Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are hardworking people who have experience in the market. They may have failed just as many times as they have succeeded, and with each new outcome, they have learned twice as many lessons as they have with the last. Their experiences can help guide what your business needs to do to prosper, and more importantly, what your business needs to avoid so it doesn’t fail.

 3) Be Ready to Beat Your Competition – Quickly!

Not only do you need to compete with your competitors to be successful, but you also need to be one step ahead of them to outsmart them and move forward. Know what your competitors do best, and what they do the worst, and gain insight on how they’re trying to improve. Wherever they are in the improvement process, make sure you’re in front of them and one step closer to success.

 4) Engage with Customers

No matter how successful your business is, you’d be nothing without your customers. Take a step back and make sure to engage with your customers. Keep them updated on company updates and improvements and have them update you on their experiences thus far with your company. Ask for feedback, listen to what they have to say and implement changes. No matter how much extra effort it may take, strong relationships with customers will only benefit you in the long run.

 5) Don’t Be Afraid of Change

The market is constantly changing and you need to be ready to change with it. Don’t be afraid of new ideas and the opportunities that can arise from them. Hire people who have great ideas and make sure to listen to them, as well as to your customers. All you need is one great idea to change your company for the better.